Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Spectral Sight

* received from the publisher for review

four and a half out of five tiara wearing bats

Murder mystery, meets paranormal extravaganza is what you get when you read Eyes to See.

I love how the story and the back story are switched back and forth through the chapters.  It is not every chapter that switches so it is neat how that arrangement lets you know the relevant stuff in good time compared to when it is relevant.

The imagery and settings for these scenes are haunting and eerie, I wish they had pics of Whisper and Scream or of the grove.  I love how he can communicate and control the ghosts with music, it’s really inspired.

My fave character is Dmitri I absolutely love his attitude and mannerisms and that is before I found out his “gifted“ ability. My favorite gifted ability that's seen is the painter in the alleyway that infuses magic into his images.

I’m looking forward to reading the next one, since this one did a good job of wrapping up the main story while introducing a new world and characters I want to know.

A Tiny Reverse Vampire Review

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