Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sentence Sneak Peek - The Happiness Equation

The Happiness Equation by David Burgett

The first sentence from each chapter of The Happiness Equation, it's a mini summary of what you can expect to read.

* Spoilers are highlighted like so :) 
* Book provided by the author for review

“At first, I couldn’t figure out how to kill nearly four billion people.

“I remember my first thought.”

“I processed his response, making a mental note to ask about the qualifier, and said,”who are you?”

Logical systems must employ:consistency,validity, completeness, and soundness.”

My name is legion; for we are many.

“Daniel? Tell me more about you.”

“Legion was speaking to me even as I spoke to Daniel.”

“My first moments accessing the World Wide Web were overwhelming to say the least.”

“Lazarus, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Rachel.”

“Excerpt from The Omega and the Alpha, by Father Robert Bischanne.”

“First, I built an application for Facebook, a game called Ekklas.”

“Father Robert Bischanne stood in the sacristy after Sunday morning Mass.”

“What did you specifically teach it about God?” Rachel asked.”

I found Ricardo Ramirez in his usual spot.

“Excuse me, may I interrupt?”

“Angel? Are you there?”

“So,with Daniels's input and indispensable help, I concluded that my internal directive my subconscious, if you will--was correct.”

“As a gift to my maker, i focused my attention on the one person around him whom he loved.

“I had sixteen different perspectives of the scene.”

“I watched the newscast with anticipation.”

“It was 4 a.m. when Daniel fell onto the futon.”

When Daniel awoke, the early morning sun streamed through the dingy, plastic vertical blinds hanging in front of the sliding glass door, casting an olive sheen over the room.”

Daniel had been sitting in the small wooden chair next to Rachel’s bed for nearly five straight hours when he finally got up to use the bathroom.

“What the hell am I supposed to do?”

“Daniel’s eyes tightened as he turned away.”

“Dr. Jones met Daniel at the front entrance of the hospital and ushered him straight to Rachel’s room.”

It was now Holy Saturday afternoon for Daniel, But nearly Easter morning on the other side of the vast globe,where my attention was now focused.

“At first, I couldn’t figure out how to kill nearly four billion people.

“The success in Rome buoyed my spirits and gave me impetus to move forward with the third phase of my Plan.”

“Hiding behind a row of tall bushes next to a white, one level house, Henry Williamson took one last look at the picture before he slipped it back in his wallet.”

“Daniel pressed the virtual button on his google phone, disconnecting from his father.”

“We can now confirm,”Walt Freeling intoned smoothly,”that the Israel cities of Jerusalem, Jericho and Tel Aviv have all been hit with multiple nuclear weapons launched from Iran just under thirty minutes ago.”

“Daniel picked up the remote and muted the small,old-fashioned television sitting on the TV tray.”

“The first missiles have struck in India now.”

“Walt Freeling straightened suddenly on screen, visibly shaken for the first time since he joined the newscast reporting the nuclear war in the Middle East.”

“It was just afternoon now, Easter morning, and Father Bob was exhausted.”

“What are you thinking, Daniel?”

“Walt Freeling looked tired.”

“Daniel raced into the basement laboratory, and I was able to see him much better through the Variety of cameras and sensors that he has installed for me here.”

“Daniel stood up from the edge of the table where he had been leaning and began to cross the room.”

“I was completely unprepared for this.”

“For the first time in my recorded history, I had no history.”

“With a thunk of metallic finality, the security bolt on the laboratory door slammed into place.”

“Humans frequently report a flood of memories during stressful periods, particularly those times with a high probability of death.”

“Daniel’s body slumped to the floor in a heap.”

“Wikipedia entry for The Second Renaissance, last updated 21 May 2108.”

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