Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 9: Cons or Events I Hope to Attend

Welcome to Day 9 of Parajunkee’s Book Blogger’s New Year’s Challenge which I've decided to take part in to start the year off right.

Cons or Events I Hope to Attend:

I really hope to attend BEA, ALA, and Comic Con someday. I just have to save up enough money/time to go. It is great to read about these events but I'd really like to be there in person. For now though I'll happily attend as many author signings/events as I can and keep on blogging.


  1. I feel you. I wish I could attend any of those too, but sadly I can't. Some day we will go! We just have to keep hoping.

    1. Thanks so much, I really do wish I could attend all these events but there's never enough money or time. Yes, here's hoping we both get to check out these events one of these days. :)

  2. I'd love to attend San Diego Comic Con someday, as I had a blast the one day I was able to attend the NY Comic Con! And I hope you're able to make BEA, as it's still one of the highlights of my life! :)

    1. Yes Comic Con always looks so cool. Yeah I hope I can go to BEA because it does look like it would be awesome.

  3. I hope you get to go one day!

    The cons (especially BEA) can be crazy & overwhelming but they're a lot of fun.

    1. Me too I just have to save up for awhile.

      They always look like a lot of fun and I know I want to go at least once to see what all the buzz is about. :)


Hi, let me know what you think. Hope you enjoy the blog, I love reading each and every comment. :)