Monday, March 21, 2011

Sentence Sneak Peek - Memento Nora

Memento Nora by Angie Smibert

The first sentence from each chapter of Memento Nora, it's a mini summary of what you can expect to read.

* All first sentences are from an ARC I read via Star Book Tours. 
* Release date - April 2011

"I'm about to forget everything I'm going to tell you."

"That night I had the dream."

"It all started with a girl."

"As we walked past the old Starbucks, I stumbled over a piece of broken concrete."

"The next day I was showing off my new bracelet to my girls at my locker when I saw the kid with the cast lurking around the windows."

"The hummingbirds had been slumbering peacefully in my brain until that day."

"That evening Dad's car service took the girls and me to the football game and the lacrosse team party after it."

"Micah sat in the same spot near the art section, hunched over his sketch pad, a stack of books blocking what he was drawing."

"One of the hands, the one with the silver watch painted on the wrist, flopped to the ground like a dead fish."

"From the downtown library Micah and I walked to the corner of Eighth and Day."

"Mom and I finally fit in our post-closing shopping trip on Saturday."

"I was in this room."

"Winter sent a message that she had a surprise for Micah and me after school."

"Homeroom was quiet—except for the drone of Homeland Teen News in the background."

"Dreams suck."

"The bones rattled like a sack of chicken legs in a Brooks Brothers suit."


"The next morning, with a couple hundred freshly inked cop-ies of Memento hidden in hollowed-out library books, we approached the bag search at the security checkpoint into school."

"At first I didn't realize it was him."

"The step-whir in my head beat out a rhythm like the wings of rabid hummingbirds as I watched Micah and Nora get into Officer Bell's car."

"She kissed me."

"Sliding into the backseat of the car, I was still feeling pretty glossy from that kiss—until I bumped right into Dad."

"She totally blew me off."


"I'm glad Nora didn't come, I told myself as I rolled down the alley behind the Nomuras' place."

"I successfully avoided Micah for a whole seventy-two hours, not counting the weekend."

"Winter Nomura slammed my locker shut, just barely missing my fingers."

"Dinner that night was agony."

"I borrowed some money from Mom's purse and took the bus to Winter's house."

"Homeland High," Mr. Yamada told the cabbie as we settled into the backseat."

"And that brings us to the here and now."

"I felt like I'd been in a coma for days, weeks maybe."

"A cab let us off at the corner of Eighth and Day."

"Mom and I walked for blocks without saying a word."

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