Thursday, March 3, 2011

Goodbye to a four legged friend

Sorry no bookish post today, will go back to my usual posting Saturday or Monday.

Sad day yesterday, family dog Jeb had to be put to sleep.  He was really old and everything (over 13) but it's still hard to loose him.  Here are some awesome pictures I wanted to post in his memory.


  1. Poor thing. Sorry for your loss. It really does stink to lose an animal. They are part of the family. You and your entire family are in my thoughts.

  2. So so sorry. My dogs are my children, so I know how important this guy is to you and your family. At least you know that he had a great life - because you gave him one!

  3. Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. Jeb looks like he was an absolute sweetheart.

  4. @aj, @Jamie, @Kate Thanks so much for the kind words, they mean a lot today. :)

  5. So sorry for your loss! It is just so horrible losing a beloved pet. They have such short lives. You just wish they could live as long as you do, you know?

  6. @Aylee Yeah you always think you'll have them for longer than you do. Thanks for the kind words.


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