Monday, February 24, 2014

Audio Book Review - White Cat

White Cat by Holly Black
4 tiara wearing bats with an extra tiara out of 5

First of all this is a great reader, he's easy to listen to and his take on the characters is well done.

The world created is really interested. I like how the different mafia families have taken control and how the workers are used as tools and enforcers. My favorite scene is when the main character is watching the video from his late night roof walking in his underwear and sees the white cat in the video.

The main character is extremely developed and has a strong voice. I love how they show that from his perspective life is just one big con after another. If you're not a worker than you can still be a con artist.

This audiobook is a great listen, the story has lots of twists and turn and only some of them will you see before they hit you in the face. I listened to it all in one sitting but the action is good enough that I think it would keep your interest in short sessions like while driving.

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