Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My Favorite Quotes/Lines - Ignite Me

Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi

* Spoilers are highlighted like so :)

“I want to laugh because all I can think is how horrible and beautiful it is, that our eyes blur the truth when we can’t bear to see it.”

“Hope will break your heart all over again.”

“He has a soft spot for fashion.”

“I want a pocketful of punctuation marks to end the thoughts he’s forced into my head.”

“Come back to life, love. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

“Good God, what has happened to my life.”

“Fear will learn to fear me.”

“Swords may cut and kill, but words will stab and stay, burying themselves in our bones to become corpses we carry into the future, all the time digging and failing to rip their skeletons from our flesh.”

“Maybe your lady bits are scientifically confused.”

“I like the way I feel about myself when I’m with him,” I say quietly.”

“There’s nothing wrong with you that isn’t already wrong with me,” I say quietly.”

“Maybe we both fell in love with the illusion of something more.”

“You’re absurdly, mathematically perfect.”

“If we were naked right now, I’d be dead.”

“I trust him with my life,” I say quietly. “I already have, and I’d do it again.”

“You’re not an ape. Don’t just throw your shit everywhere.”

“I will be alive in ten years, and I’m going to be happy. I’m going to be strong. And I don’t need anyone to tell me that anymore. I am enough, and I always will be.”

“I can’t even take myself seriously.”

“I will be unapologetic. I will live with no regrets.”

“And I don’t care if that’s not nice enough.”

“It’s the kind of kiss that inspires stars to climb into the sky and light up the world.”

“I’ve been stealing your soaps,”

“What the hell is a Power Ranger?”

“Thank you,” he whispers. “For being my friend.”

“We step forward together.”

“You will go on to greatness,” he whispers. “I have never deserved you.”
My heart.

“Words are like seeds, I think, planted into our hearts at a tender age.”

“This is so unbearably inconvenient,” he says. “I was prepared to hate him for the rest of my life.”

       Once for Adam.
       Once for Warner.”

“I can’t wait to watch them try.”

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