Monday, July 29, 2013

Question of the Day - Do you listen to music while you read?

I used to be able to listen to music or TV while reading but now I find it a lot harder to concentrate unless it's quiet.  

So what's your preferred reading environment?


  1. I always have a CD/iPod playing - but not radio or TV, where ads interrupt reading flow.

    1. Nice, that's probably why I can't read/watch TV at the same time too.

  2. I used to prefer quiet but lately I've found that the background noise helps me, so I like to have music on but not too loud. Just enough to be aware of, but not intruding. Keeps my brain more awake and makes it easier to read somehow.
    Can actually have any noise including TV, even people - but find it harder in crowded places.

    1. That's cool, maybe I just need to find the right background music to read/listen to. I'm actually okay reading in crowded places because I hate crowds but can get drawn right into reading a book especially if the book's great. :)


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