Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mysterious Memo

Received this mysterious memo from Susan Jane Bigelow, perhaps it has something to do with her newest book Fly Into Fire.  Check it out and get some insight into this intriguing world:

Confederation Palace Internal Messaging System : Message 4903-dgh-B12

Encryption level: platinum-2
Sent: January 15, 2110 20:03:14

TO: President Damian Peltan
FROM: Corporal Ernesta Trägel, Commander, Confederation Military Police

SUBJECT:  Extrahumans follow-up

Mr. President,

In response to your earlier request for an update on the Extrahuman project, I am providing the following summarized information:

     ·         No, there is no substantial evidence of new or unknown     extrahumans at this time. The ones that are known are detailed in an earlier report, and we believe them to be largely neutralized or irrelevant. Sky Ranger remains the notable exception.·         Sky Ranger is believed to be in Canada. Our agents are continuing to search, and I will update you when any progress has been made. He has proven very difficult to catch, and has stayed out of sight following his attack on the Fleet base at Hingham. 
     ·         Birthrates for extrahumans were already in steep decline thanks to the previous government’s sterilization and containment policy. Within a generation, they will be extinct, save the few we have preserved. 
     ·         The whereabouts of Silverwyng/Broken/Penny Silverwing remain unknown, though we believe she is living somewhere on Valen, under the protection of the Order of St. Val. 
     ·         The Order has a deep interest in extrahumans, likely related to the extrahuman status of its founder. 
     ·         As you are aware, reprisals against the Order of St. Val are unwise at present, due to their status on Valen. I have prepared several plans of attack against specific targets within the Order for your perusal. Of particular interest is the monastery at Clearfield, and the small town of LaNant. We must be cautious, however, until we consolidate our hold over Valen more completely. 
     ·         Rumors of Order infiltration of high-level posts within the Reform Party and the military are certainly untrue! May I ask where you got this information? 
     ·         ConFedMilPol continues to track the boy you asked about. We are now certain he is on Valen, somewhere outside of Arve. I have prepared a plan to find and retrieve him. 
     ·         For information on the Thunder project, I’m going to have to refer you to the head of the Special Project division, Douglas Vasna. I have no authority over this area of the military.

You may certainly query me further on any of these points at our brunch meeting later today. However, I’d say that the situation is well in hand right now, and I’m not all that convinced that we need to focus on the extrahuman situation as closely as we have in the past. Frankly, I’m far more concerned about the lack of morale in the Fleet, unrest on Mandolia, and ship movement on the Räton border.

And yes, I’d very much like to try the new Calvasnan blend today, you make it sound wonderful. A quality native source of coffee ought to improve everyone’s morale, especially mine. Give my compliments to Charlie.

Yours in service,

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fantastic Flying Feeling

Fly Into Fire by Susan Jane Bigelow

* Book won from Candlemark & Gleam

5 out of 5 gnomes

This world just keeps getting better and more complicated.  I loved the first book and this one just adds more layers to the characters and their world.  Once again there are multiple points of view that are used very well and the story just draws you in.  There are a lot of new characters and some from the first book
Broken also return.

Sky Ranger used to be on the side of the Confederation because he thought that they were the best choice to protect his people the Extrahumans aka what we would call superheroes.  He turned a blind eye to much of their atrocities though until certain events and people from his past showed him how very wrong he was. 

Sky Ranger is definitely more of an antihero at first but he ends up actually growing and learning from his past.  After the first book I wasn't sure that I would ever like him as a character but I think the story is made all the stronger by seeing his point of view of the world.  At his core the guy just seems to be about protecting those that he sees as a family and now making the world a better place.

The first chapter shows how many still view him as an enemy.  He has a lot to prove to himself and to everyone else.  When trapped with a rather diverse group of people it's hard to gain trust but all they have is each other.  He quickly becomes close to Renna who has her own reasons for being on the run.

Renna is another major point of view in the book and a very interesting one at that.  Her pack that she's so protective of has information about her past life as a man.  The Confederation isn't exactly tolerant so this is one of the many reasons she was aboard the refugee ship.  Renna slowly grows closer to people and realizes that there are people out there that she can trust and be herself with.

Penny Silverwing is also back and I couldn't be happier about that.  In this book you get to see the strong confident side of Penny.  She has pretty much literally been through the ringer but after accomplishing her mission from the previous book she gets some info that she wants to follow up on.  She's obviously never forgotten Sky Ranger and he was important to her before and at the end of the mission.  She just has to know what happened to him.  Her and Sky Ranger make a really interesting couple and their mile high club type antics are so funny.

Once again I find myself thoroughly enjoying the side characters stories too especially when they fill in some previous unknown information.  Broussard, Skye, and Dee have a heck of a background and take the story in intriguing directions.  It feels like each character is vital and has an important story to tell.  What makes it awesome is that you'll likely find yourself really wanting to know these characters backgrounds and what their future holds.

Throughout the story all the characters are on a path and they get intertwined with one another.  It feels like you never know who'll be important. 
There is a whole theme of family and accepting people with a strong current of redemption too.  Journeys and rescues abound, oh and lots of cool fighting and flying too.  By the end if feels like this rebellion may just be going in the right direction.

The ending was great.  It's sweet but then you get some more mystery thrown into the mix.  I can't wait to see what happens next especially with the future so vital to their world.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sentence Sneak Peek - Fly Into Fire

Fly Into Fire by Susan Jane Bigelow

The first sentence from each chapter of
Fly Into Fire, it's a mini summary of what you can expect to read.

* Spoilers are highlighted like so :)
* Book won from
Candlemark & Gleam

"UNION TOWER, SLENDER AND FORTY STORIES tall, dominated the skyline of Queens: a landmark in a city that had precious few of them left."

"THEY HATED HIM, AND SOME PART OF HIM knew he deserved it."

"THE BLUE STAR SEERA BEAT DOWN MERCILESSLY on Sky Ranger’s bare, tanned shoulders as he flew his morning patrol."


"THE RÄTON BUILDING TURNED OUT TO BE just a large, circular room with a few pieces of broken, dusty equipment scattered around on the floor."

"SKY RANGER SAT ALONE, EXHAUSTED, IN THE middle of the desert."

"SKY RANGER WOKE IN A COOL, DRY, DIMLY lit place, and for a moment thought he was back in his rooms in Union Tower."

"RENNA AND TWENTY-THREE OTHER REFUGEES sat crammed knee to knee and back to back in the tiny hold of the Confederation Fleet patrol ship Semper Idem, while the soldiers who had captured them watched them through win-dows and cameras."

"PENNY KNELT IN SANDI'S GARDEN, EXAMINING the fragile plants for any signs of the voracious buglike critters that had been eating the tomato crop."

"SKY RANGER AGAIN SAT AT BROUSSARD'S table, drinking a thin tea that the old man had gleefully ex-plained was made by straining hot water through thin strips of lyski moss."


"THEY RAN FOR WHAT FELT LIKE MILES, until finally they collapsed from exhaustion."

"LIEUTENANT BRIAN GANNETT GENTLY LOWERED the ship onto the forest floor."


"PAINFULLY BRILLIANT ORANGE-RED LIGHT streamed in from the viewports as Calvasna’s ancient sun set over the brown, blue, and white ball below."

"HYLAR GORDON BRIETS HAD ONCE BEEN THE United Nations Party chairman for the city of Melbourne, and because of that, he was one of the highest authorities among the refugees on Reilis."

"DEE STRAINED TO FOCUS ON SOMETHING, any-thing, as she faded in and out of consciousness."

"BROUSSARD AND FELIPE LIVED A LITTLE TO the south of the city proper, in a tent on the beach."


"A NONDESCRIPT, LIGHT-BROWN-HAIRED YOUNG woman walked quietly through the empty streets of Confederation City’s Centre District."


"PENNY TOOK THE LONG WAY BACK, FLYING ONLY when she had to clear a barrier, and where no one could possibly see."

"EMILY , SKY RANGER, AND PENNY SAT, EXHAUSTED, on a hillside deep in the Calvasnan countryside."

"JILL KNELT OVER JAMES, RELEASING WHAT little energy she had into his system."





Sunday, February 26, 2012

Top 5 Sundays - Extremely Recommended Books I Haven't Read Yet!

This feature was thought up by the awesome Larissa's Bookish Life

1 - Write a post listing your TOP 5 choices within the theme I chose (or was chosen on a poll) for the week.
2 - Mention this Blog on the post and link back to it.

3 - Fell free to use the Feature's image (there is a smaller size version of it bellow)
4 - After you've finished your post, add you link (of the post, not your blog's main page) to the Mr.Linky at the end of that week's post.
5 - If you don't have a blog to post, just leave your list in the comments =)

Extremely Recommended Books I Haven't Read Yet!

I've been meaning to read this book (I even own a signed copy that I won). All the reviews for this book that I've seen seem to show that people either love it or really hate it.  I can't wait to read it and see for myself.

I have an ARC of this one that I think I started but didn't get very far (it's a really long book and it was a hectic time).  I do plan to read it though because it sounds so interesting.

I love the concept of this series and I think I own both the first and second book.  It looks like it'll put quite the interesting spin on ghosts.

I've heard a lot of great things about this book.  I keep hesitating on reading it though because I'm starting to really dislike books with sad endings and have a feeling that this one doesn't end happily.  Still I think I will read it just to see what all the hype is about.

This is another one where the book description really intrigues me and also the fact that it's a stand alone novel sounds really good to me.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Story Time

Story Time

The story will begin on the first of each month and end on the last day of the month.
I like this story so much that I think I'll keep it going and see where it goes from here:


1.) Only write 1 to 2 sentences

2.) Keep it clean

3.) Have fun and spread the word so the story grows

Here's the story that has formed so far:

Awesome people who have authored the story by adding lines so far: Sullivan McPig, Julie@My5monkeys, Susan Jane Bigelow, barmybex

Title: An Extraordinary Girl

Once upon a time in a time not that long ago there was a disturbance.

The cause of the disturbance was something that was well...truly disturbing.  In fact it was so disturbing that at first it was quite unclear what this disturbance was, because anyone who saw it was too disturbed to talk about it.

There came a noisy unruly girl who demanded that all must obey her.  She was the girl of the mayor and weird things did happen around her.  Pigeons tap danced when she blinked her eyes and cockroaches would mimic her words when she spoke.  Lights would go off and babies would cry when she passed.

This girl stood in the center of town, pigeons dancing, roaches waiting, lights flickering and babies crying all around.  She struck her umbrella on the cobblestones.  A hush fell over the town as purple sparks shot out of the tip of the umbrella and even the pigeons stopped their dancing and seemed to hold their breath.

As the astounded masses watched a massive hole slowly appeared in the middle of the street. As the dust settled it was revealed...a giant staircase leading down to complete darkness and then a faint music started to radiate from its depths.

There was such a ruckus in the town and trying to make sure that all the citizens were fine. The music coming out of the hole had a mesmerizing sound that attracted all the citizens.  It was almost like children's music.

The girl grinned mischievously and whistled along with the music while she slowly descended down the hole.

The further down she went the louder the music echoed. A strange shift filled the air and a cold wind howled past causing her hair to flutter round her face, but it didn't distract her. As she confidently walked on some of the pigeons and cockroaches followed her, cautiously and trembling with fear and a sense of foreboding.

"Wait," a high, piping voice said, "there are dangers below!" One of the pigeons had spoken. This was not a terrific surprise to the girl, who did not pause in her descent.

"Stay above ground if you don't have the courage to follow me," she stated calmly. "But I must go on. The faith of the town depends on this."

As she kept traveling downward the tone of the music seemed to change and become more insistent.  Then in the distance a faint shimmering light appeared.
It glowed a dull purple at first, but then changed to a harsh, angry blue that pulsated like a frantic heartbeat that got more aggressive the closer the girl got to it.

The light was actually calling to her, and only her. She was different from everyone else in the town. It was her duty.

She edged closer with her arm out in front of her. The blue light grew in intensity until she had to close her eyes against the glare, a warmth surrounded her arm from the light and she pulled in a satisfied breath and grinned.

As more of the light enveloped her, she felt the heat spread and her body began to hum with a sense of power.

Then in her mind she began to hear a whispering chant almost as if the power knew who she was and what she had to do.

The words and the music started to sync together and then she began to speak the chant, as she spoke the discordant words the light solidified into a wooden door which slowly began to open.

The light around the door frame was still so bright it cast shadows into the room, making it impossible to see what was in there.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Mini Reviews - Black Dagger Brotherhood Edition

I've recently become sucked into the Black Dagger Brotherhood series.  I've kind of been on a spree lately, I read the 2nd one and then the third book right away and now I'm on to the 4th.  The Brothers are what really draws you in and the world is intense.

I loved this book much more then the first one.  That's probably because now I'm more used to all the different vocab and all the little intricacies of this world.  This book really helped flesh out Rhage more as a character and showed that he's much more than a pretty face.  Mary Luce is a great counterpoint to Rhage and I liked seeing the human point of view on everything.  The effect that she has on him really improves his character and finding out more about his beast curse was interesting.  Their relationship grows slowly because they have to learn to trust each other.  The ending of this book made me smile because it gives you hope for them to have a happy future and also sets up the next book very well. 

Wow, Zsadist's story is intense to say the least.  Also love how strong the characters are in this story.  Bella is not one to back down and either is Zsadist so they're pretty much perfect for each other.  Their relationship is complicated but with how hard they work it really makes you root for them.  The relationship between Zsadist and his twin Phury is also intriguing.  There are plenty of surprises in the story to with some of the side stories.  I was really surprised by a death that happened and it really make you wonder what's going to happen next.  I really loved the ending of this story even though I kind of saw the twist coming it was still great.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Literary Loot - Hunger Games Edition

I'm very excited for the upcoming Hunger Games movie and can't wait to see it.  This also means that I also get a bit overexcited when new merchandise comes out.  :)

Here's all the stuff that I've recently splurged on:

I have my free District ID card (which you can get at site or on Facebook) that I ordered and also a water bottle:

My District ID card -

An example of the water bottle (mine is different because it has the District one seal and my name and ID # from the District ID) -

Then yesterday Hot Topic had a whole bunch of the new stuff on sale and I ended up ordering a nail polish and some earrings:

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Plundering Plague

Masque of the Red Death  by Bethany Griffin

* Book will be released April 24, 2012
ARC read via Around The World ARC Tours

3 gnomes and a gnome hat out of 5 gnomes
I've read the original story so it was great to see the parallels between the two.  Having read the original story though, I had no idea what would happen in this story or how it would be changed/enhanced.

There is such a great creepy atmosphere throughout the story and if you're germaphobic I definitely wouldn't recommend reading this book.  Plus if you aren't germaphobic then this book might just make you that way. 

At first Araby Worth seems like an extremely uncaring character who only does what's best for herself.  Then slowly the layers of who she is start to unravel, she also has one giant case of survivor guilt and isn't exactly handling that very well.  Not that anyone could blame her though especially in the world they all live in.

The government is run by Prince Prospero and his power is absolute.  There's also the plague to contend with.  They get around the plague by using some kind of ceramic mask system that her father came up with.  There are plenty of class conflicts too because if you're poor you aren't going to have enough money for a mask.  Another problem is that masks can't be shared, they only work for the first person that breathes through it.  A conflict is simmering throughout the book on whether science or religion should be believed in more and if they can all be saved.

Araby and her friend April do their best to forget about the world in their own ways.  April seems to be an air-head party girl type but you also find out that she's not had the easiest life either.  Araby turns to drugs and really just tries to obliterate the world.  As one character notices Araby isn't living a full life and at first doesn't have the will to change that.

This book has a well not my favorite kind of love triangle.  You can pretty much tell right away who she should end up with (at least in my opinion anyway).  I am not on board with her being with who she's with at the end of the book.  I think that some character's motto when it comes to love should be, Once a jackass, always a jackass.  Araby does stand up for herself but you think with how important she thinks family is that she would be much more willing to forgive then she seems to be so far.

There is plenty of mystery and intrigue as to who will live/die and who has the plague.  You'll be left wondering if their coup of the Prince will work or if they will all die a horrible death thanks to the plague.  This is definitely a great twist on a classic story, I just hope it doesn't end like the original.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sentence Sneak Peek - Masque of the Red Death

Masque of the Red Death  by Bethany Griffin

The first sentence from each chapter of Masque of the Red Death, it's a mini summary of what you can expect to read.

* Spoilers are highlighted like so
* Book will be released April 24, 2012
ARC read via Around The World ARC Tours

"THE CHARCOAL SKY SPITS COLD RAIN AS WE rumble to a stop at a crossroad."








"T THROW OPEN THE DOOR TO ELLIOTT'S PRIVATE rooms, step inside, slam it behind me, and then stand, leaning against it, and panting slightly."

"MOTHER AND FATHER SIT ACROSS FROM EACH other, eating breakfast."

"THE DOORMAN IS BOWING AND USHERING US into the ornate foyer of the Akkadian Towers when a movement from a doorway across the street catches my attention."

"WE TALK LESS THAN USUAL THAT EVENING, aware of the guards listening just outside the door."


"ELLIOTT STOPS TO COMPOSE HIMSELF, BREATHING deeply several times before we enter the throne room."

"ELLIOTT HELPS ME OUT OF THE PRINCE'S CLOSED steam carriage and then lifts me into his open one."

"THE INTERIOR OF THE BUILDING IS LIT BY THE light that trickles through filthy windows and empty window frames."



"BEFORE I CAN DRAW THE BREATH TO SCREAM myself, Elliott springs into action, pulling a long sword from his walking stick."






"HOURS LATER THE REVEREND MALCONTENT opens the door of my cell and gestures for me to come."



Sunday, February 19, 2012

Top 5 Sundays - Book Series I Plan to Finish in 2012!

This feature was thought up by the awesome Larissa's Bookish Life

1 - Write a post listing your TOP 5 choices within the theme I chose (or was chosen on a poll) for the week.
2 - Mention this Blog on the post and link back to it.

3 - Fell free to use the Feature's image (there is a smaller size version of it bellow)
4 - After you've finished your post, add you link (of the post, not your blog's main page) to the Mr.Linky at the end of that week's post.
5 - If you don't have a blog to post, just leave your list in the comments =)

Top 5 Sundays - Book Series I Plan to Finish in 2012!

I love this series and can't wait to see how it ends. 

I haven't read the second book so I have to catch up but I really like this character and her back story is really interesting.

I'm just happy that I'll finally be able to read this book, I thought it would never be published.  This world that Cashore has created just draws you in so I can't wait to see what part Bitterblue has to play in it all.

This is another book that I wasn't sure would ever be published.  It's all so epic that I just have to know how it ends.

Tiny Reverse Vampire's pick and also a series I want to start.

My sister loves this series and she was very excited to find that there's going to be a 4th book called Beautiful Redemption.  As for me it's one of those series where I've yet to read the first book yet.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Story Time

Story Time

The story will begin on the first of each month and end on the last day of the month.
I like this story so much that I think I'll keep it going and see where it goes from here:

1.) Only write 1 to 2 sentences
2.) Keep it clean
3.) Have fun and spread the word so the story grows

Here's the story that has formed so far:

Awesome people who have authored the story by adding lines so far: Sullivan McPig, Julie@My5monkeys, Susan Jane Bigelow, barmybex

Title: An Extraordinary Girl

Once upon a time in a time not that long ago there was a disturbance.

The cause of the disturbance was something that was well...truly disturbing.  In fact it was so disturbing that at first it was quite unclear what this disturbance was, because anyone who saw it was too disturbed to talk about it.

There came a noisy unruly girl who demanded that all must obey her.  She was the girl of the mayor and weird things did happen around her.  Pigeons tap danced when she blinked her eyes and cockroaches would mimic her words when she spoke.  Lights would go off and babies would cry when she passed.

This girl stood in the center of town, pigeons dancing, roaches waiting, lights flickering and babies crying all around.  She struck her umbrella on the cobblestones.  A hush fell over the town as purple sparks shot out of the tip of the umbrella and even the pigeons stopped their dancing and seemed to hold their breath.

As the astounded masses watched a massive hole slowly appeared in the middle of the street. As the dust settled it was revealed...a giant staircase leading down to complete darkness and then a faint music started to radiate from its depths.

There was such a ruckus in the town and trying to make sure that all the citizens were fine. The music coming out of the hole had a mesmerizing sound that attracted all the citizens.  It was almost like children's music.

The girl grinned mischievously and whistled along with the music while she slowly descended down the hole.

The further down she went the louder the music echoed. A strange shift filled the air and a cold wind howled past causing her hair to flutter round her face, but it didn't distract her. As she confidently walked on some of the pigeons and cockroaches followed her, cautiously and trembling with fear and a sense of foreboding.

"Wait," a high, piping voice said, "there are dangers below!" One of the pigeons had spoken. This was not a terrific surprise to the girl, who did not pause in her descent.

"Stay above ground if you don't have the courage to follow me," she stated calmly. "But I must go on. The faith of the town depends on this."

As she kept traveling downward the tone of the music seemed to change and become more insistent.  Then in the distance a faint shimmering light appeared.
It glowed a dull purple at first, but then changed to a harsh, angry blue that pulsated like a frantic heartbeat that got more aggressive the closer the girl got to it.

The light was actually calling to her, and only her. She was different from everyone else in the town. It was her duty.

She edged closer with her arm out in front of her. The blue light grew in intensity until she had to close her eyes against the glare, a warmth surrounded her arm from the light and she pulled in a satisfied breath and grinned.

As more of the light enveloped her, she felt the heat spread and her body began to hum with a sense of power.

Then in her mind she began to hear a whispering chant almost as if the power knew who she was and what she had to do.

The words and the music started to sync together and then she began to speak the chant, as she spoke the discordant words the light solidified into a wooden door which slowly began to open.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Mysterious Matchbox

Matchbox Girls by Chrysoula Tzavelas

* Book will be released February 21, 2012
ARC read via Around The World ARC Tours

5 out of 5 gnomes

I just have to say that this is a truly cool cover that really made me interested in reading the story.  I also found myself contemplating how nice this cover would be if it was poster sized and hanging on my wall.  

This book is stuffed to the brim with awesomeness.  There's plenty of supernatural goodness with an eclectic mix of angels, demons, half-demons, nephilim, and a whole host of other odd creatures.

Marley, the main character of this story, has plenty of problems including having panic attacks and not having a steady job.  Then after just one phone call she's practically drowning in new problems.  This phone call changes Marley's life and leads to some truly strange events.  Marley gets the call from Lissa and Kari, the 4 year old nieces of a friend she knows from going to the park everyday.  It turns out that their uncle is missing.

At first it looks like this all might be just some game that the kids are playing and then some truly odd stuff starts happening in quick succession.  Marley is there to help the kids but there are others out there who have their own reasons for being interested in them.  I really wasn't sure what to expect at first but then all the weird things start happening pretty fast.  These aren't just ordinary twins and Marley is no ordinary woman.

There is tension aplenty.  A lot of the spookiness and tension happens because of the twins.  Being as they are only four years old, their view of the world isn't exactly concrete yet.  That means all these fantastical creatures can't really be helping their psyches any.  Marley is determined to be their protector and has an unerring belief that she's the only one who can protect them. 

It's great seeing how much Marley grows as a character over the course of the book.  Having this huge responsibility leads her to really step up and see who she really is.  It turns out that she's a much stronger person then she ever thought she could be.

Corbin, the potential love interest of the book, sounds like quite a guy.  The guy communes with ravens and has some unique powers.  He seems like the kind of guy you would want on your side when you're in trouble.  It feels like the spark between him and Marley may just continue to grow into something special.

The story is a little light on the romance, though that's only because they are all pretty darn busy running for their lives/just trying to survive.  Plus someone who you thought might turn out to be a love interest seems more like a real jackass instead by the end of the story.

The world building of the story is intense yet easy to follow.  It shows just enough to keep you questing after answers of what exactly is going on and who's right.  There's a nice grey area too where you might not be sure who is on Marley's side or not.  Some that she meet seem more like enemies at first but then they end up helping out.  Then another huge twist is added when a certain being named Tinker Chime shows up.

The end of the story was surprising and leaves plenty of promise for an extremely interesting future for everyone involved.  If you're looking for a book that's full of mystery, surprises, and myriads of unique characters then this is definitely the book for you.