Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sentence Sneak Peek - Matchbox Girls

Matchbox Girls by Chrysoula Tzavelas

The first sentence from each chapter of Matchbox Girls, it's a mini summary of what you can expect to read.

* Spoilers are highlighted like so
* Book will be released February 21, 2012
ARC read via Around The World ARC Tours

"Marley woke up, reaching out of a forgotten dream for her cellphone, knowing that she couldn’t miss this call."

"Marley stared from the candle to the table and then looked at the twins."

"Some things, though, had to be taken care of as soon as possible, even if it was difficult."

"Marley looked up."

"Penny, I’m so happy to see you!"

"When Marley was a child, nightmares had stalked her sleep, making her rest uneasy and waking a misery."

"The children dragged Marley from bed far too close to dawn, ignoring her sleepy complaints. Branwyn, already up, laughed at her."

"By the time Marley got home, her thoughts on the encounter at the library had become a confused mess of speculated motivations."

"The apartment was stifling."

"Habit guided Marley’s rushing steps home, while the fog of dissociation gently drifted through her mind."

"Branwyn worked at a large garage, fulfilling the paint and body shop jobs."

"At first, Corbin returned to his position across the street."

"Marley woke up to morning sun, and the rattling of the studio shower."

"Nephilim," Marley said, after a moment."

"On the way to Penny’s, Marley made some phone calls, first leaving a message for Branwyn and then letting Penny know of her plan to visit."

"Penny's face flickered, changing subtly."

''Penny called and she was kind of hysterical."

"I'm... not mortal?”

"Room service didn’t knock on the door."

"Marley ran to the railing despite herself, just in time to see Corbin rolling to his feet."

"The idea was so ludicrous that it drove all thought out of Marley’s head."

"Here he is, sweetheart."

"So Marley read the twins a book about Thumbelina, complete with extended critical discussion between the twins about princes, wings, and moles."

"And there it was."

"Marley blinked."

"After dropping everything off at the car, Marley followed AT to the far side of the enormous parking lot."

"There was a pop, and a tinkle."

"It's so white,” Marley said."

"Something clanked below."

"Severin crouched before the girls and pressed one hand against each of their foreheads."

"The ride to Penny’s house took far too long, and was far too quiet."

"Marley became aware of the feeling of dozens of eyes watching her."

"Light streamed from both of Corbin’s hands, and one eye glowed blue while the other was a black pit."


"Marley walked down the hall and paused next to Tarn."

"Two little girls lay on a giant bronze gear, side by side."



stood at the bay window of the luxurious room in the private hospital she’d ended up in."

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