Rachel at Beauty and the Bookshelf put together this great sounding blogging extravaganza and I’ve decided to take part.
Today I picked the topic of If I was a fictional character, I went with it and made myself a Fictional Librarian.
What My Day Would Be Like as a Fictional Librarian
All was pretty normal until things started to get a little bit fictional. I know sounds like a tagline for a bad romantic comedy or action movie, but believe me this is no normal library.
I had of course heard of special libraries but this was a special squared kind of library.
Here’s what happens on a “normal” day:
9:30 - 10:00 a.m. - Tracking down Kronos key, sometimes it takes five minutes sometimes the little key runs faster or hides better than normal. I can’t officially start until I track him down and input my id while having him turned into the timeclock.
10:00 - noon - Check in the mail/books returned for the day. You would be surprised how many of our patrons of the vampire and fae persuasion love books that are about vampires or fairies. They adore laughing at all the inaccuracies.
Noon - 1:00 p.m. - Where I eat an undecidedly non-magical sandwich and think about how weird my life has become.
1:00 - 3:00 p.m. - Special Project to train Clowns, not clowns mind you but Clowns with a capital C. Believe me, there are no humans under these Clown’s makeup. I’ve also made headway in convincing many of them not to sharpen their teeth.
4:00 - 6:00 - Reference work. This is always a doozy because it can be anything from helping a tiny forest sprite reach a book on a shelf to having to help a literal sorceress figure out how to best list the ingredients for her spells using Excel… (let’s just say that magic folk are not big fans of computers...)
6:00 - Sneak up on the enchanted Kronos key so I can clock out. Then slowly walk outside and just imagine what tomorrow will bring.